
Monthly Letters

When in a Cursillo we find Jesus, and we find out that the Lord loves us all, even when our live doesn't seem to have any merit, it is not possible to lose the enthusiasm that invades us.

In a Cursillo we make great discoveries, our weaknesses and limitations but also our vocation, the others and the Church, our environments... but the greatest of all discoveries is the love of Christ!

In accordance with the VII World Encounter in November 2013, a Commission is finalizing the redrafting of Fundamental Ideas...

Brief framing


The Executive Committee of the World Organism of the Cursillos Movement (OMCC), based in Portugal, took the
initiative to hold the V World Ultreya of the Cursillos Movement, which will take place in Fatima, Portugal, on May 6,2017, date when simultaneously we will celebrate the 100 years of Eduardo Bonnín Aguiló birthday (May 4, 1917), and
100 years of the first apparitions of our Lady to the three shepherds of Fatima (13 May, 1917).

To give substance to the image of V World Ultreya, we decided to launch a challenge to cursilhistas from all over the world, and appeal to the ideas and creativity of whole the cursillista family, with the launch of a contest of ideas for the creation of the V World Ultreya logo.


Misericordiae Vultus

It was on April 11 that the Pope Francisco promulgated the Bull of proclamation of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy with the motto: "Merciful as the Father".
On the December 8, in the Cathedral of St. John Lateran, the Pope Francis will open the Holy Door of Mercy making a an appeal to whole the Christian world to change life putting into practice in the life of each one the works of mercy.

The first steps are not always the most important but, surely, they are the hardest.

Having started our mission as members of the Executive Committee on the difficulties, especially in using all the "tools" properly.

That's why this newsletter is only published on this date with some delay. But, is "better late than never", as we say in Portugal.

Once more, our newsletter count with the collaboration of one International Group. This collaboration will enrich the content and permit a greater proximity of all cursilhistas to the structures that represent them.
In this edition we will have the GLCC's contribution that below publish.

Let's help the CM to spread in Africa!
If we all want we will get teams and means to perform more Cursillos in Africa and in others places in the World where
the CM has not yet arrived.
Volunteers are required to form teams and money to organize and perform Cursillos in a continent eager to God.
Help with your prayer and sacrifice, but it is also very necessary to the monetary support.
We just ask that each one contribute with a monetary unit in your country (1 euro, 1 dollar, 1 pound, 1 ...).
Together we are millions!

Make your contribution using the bank account:

IBAN: PT50003503040001444380080

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