In November 1972, the Movement held its Third World Encounter in Mallorca. It was obvious that a book was need which would adequately reflect "the essential basis which gives identity and character to the Movement all over the world, that which every country and every leader has to uphold to keep the Movement true to itself."

So that this document would be the work of all concerned, delegates at the Third World Encounter chose four persons and four national Secretariats to work on the draft; it appointed seven National Secretariats to give final approval and one National Secretariat to serve as the co-ordinator.

Before preparing the final edition, all National Secretariats were consulted and in 1974 the seven National groups, composed of fourteen delegates and two coordinators, met in Mallorca to give final shape to the eight chapters.

The book was produced officially in Spanish and English and was well accepted. It served as a reference, focal point and dynamic element for the leaders in all countries.

In 1988 at the Fourth World Encounter held in Caracas, Venezuela delegates called for a renewal and updating not only of the Movement, but also the book which had identified and unified the Movement.

A Commission was formed and its task was to prepare a draft of the project with all the information available. National Secretariats were consulted a number of times during the process. Finally in 1990 the twelve member commission met together to complete the final edition which was published officially in Spanish and English. Many countries have since published in their own language.

In the light of the approval of the OMCC Statutes, delegates at the Sixth World Encounter in Sao Paulo Brazil in 2005, called once again for Fundamental Ideas, to be updated and revised. This edition to be recast in simple language is to contain a chapter on the Charism and History of the Cursillo Movement, assuring compatibility with the Statutes.

The following year a Commission of twelve was formed, comprising three members of each International Group. In 2012 participation and consultation with all National and Diocesan secretariats is about to take place.