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- Published: 22 April 2015 22 April 2015

In 2005, at the VI World Encounter, held in Brazil in the city of St. Paul, it was decided to rewrite the book Fundamental Ideas in a third version in order to harmonize and unify the CM around a set of basic and indisputable principles.
To do this, the delegates present in Brazil, defined this new wording should contain the recognition of Fundamental Ideas as “the indispensable book promoting communion and as a guide to the direction of the CM” and “assuring is compatibility to the new OMCC Statute”1.
The conclusions of this World Encounter established as assumptions that the redrafting, “incorporating specific chapters on the CHARISMA and on the HISTORY of the Movement”1, should be "faithful to the charism that the Spirit inspired at the beginning and keep responding, according to the same Spirit, to the needs of the man and woman of today"2 and that "it was not a matter of choosing between opposites, but of integrating both (fidelity and renewal) that is, fidelity to the charism and renewal the Movement in order to continue to respond to the needs of the present world.”3
Thus, the text should be read in this light, with the knowledge of the authentic CHARISMA, under the HISTORICAL perspective of the Movement, in the light of the new challenges and the most current documents of the Church.
For this, it is necessary to make a careful interpretive reading, reinforce the historical truth, choose the most strength ideas and highlight what is fundamental.
Product of an exhaustive work of the drafting Committee, over almost seven years, this book goes in search of the origins (looking for the same roots, a new ground, and the best fruits) facing new challenges (the present world and the new concepts of society) being the forefront of new times, keeping the method and the charisma and, simultaneously, promoting a change, that is, encourages each one to fit the joy of the Gospel in is life.
This search of holiness in the normality of every day’s life creates the desire to evangelize person-to-person through friendship, enabling the discovery that God, in Christ, loves us, creating enthusiastic evangelists in is “square meter", transforming thereby the environments. Having only concern the person, regardless of their circumstance, the Cursillo can provide an evangelical responsibility mentality that seeks the transformation of people into Christians in the World, for the World, in the Church and with the Church.
As it can be read in the Introduction, this book is not a "bible" and must be read regarding the seventy-years of the Movement’s history, the history of the Church, and the current world historical context. Does not fully develop all the contents of the charism, the purpose, methodology and the structures of the Movement and can be completed and supplemented by other contributions. But their study and knowledge is indispensable for all who, loving Christ, loving their Church, serve God and man through this wonderful Movement.
OMCC’s Executive Committee
1 – 20th Conclusion – VI World Encounter – S. Paulo - 2005
2 – 17th Conclusion – VI World Encounter – S. Paulo – 2005
3 – 18th Conclusion – VI World Encounter – S. Paulo – 2005